Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Win A $10 Pre-Paid SD Card And Blog Updates!

Remember this post? Click here. Well if you have read, I have made a few changes.
The blog to me seems like its not reaching its full potential. Stardollz Vogue has been open since October 2010, yes, its over a year now the blog has been around; yet we are still so little. Its weird. Because when I ask people to follow the blog they end up not doing it, but when Ghandoora spams people EVERYONE pretty much follows her blog. Like she carries some virus, lol. What I'm getting at is, what are we doing wrong? I've tried everything, I believe, but still no big progress. I even have our survey open for you guys to take, but only two people have participated in it. So I will be doing somethings over the course of the next several months.
1) Getting a full out blog makeover. I've already started searching for the best and most available graphic designer out there. We will get new writers banners, a head banner, BACKGROUND, text banners and more.
2) Every 3+ months a $10 pre-paid card will be given to a top commenter. I know 3+ months sounds like a long time, but its the only way I can make sure that I will always have the prize ready. The only stores that sell them is Kmart and Toys R Us. 
3) The slogan has got to go. I'm not sure if we even need one, but we are defiantly not 'defining fabulous' anymore. We have grown beyond that.
4) The layout is going to be rearranged. By a friend of mine. Hopefully by this summer.
5) The writers list is going to be edited. Some people will be added, some will leave. So if you wanna write for SDV, go ahead and fill in the application. 
6) Might be getting a co-owner. Applications will be opening, later....
7) Taking some media partners off. Might add some too.

And thats it. By the way, the top commenter bar has been added. The pre-paid card is ready to be given away.

Want to win this? I suggest you start commenting more often. 

I have come to realize we get over 1000 views every month, but barely any comments. Whats up with that? Hopefully the bribe of a pre-paid card will get your fingers typing. 


Isabel Hope said...

Alright.... It's good to see a blog start fresh. I personally like your slogan "Defining Fabulous" but it's your choice ;] An idea for the next banner: Maybe all the writers with forward facing poses like a fashion show. Your banner now looks a bit empty.

Anonymous said...

Time to start commenting!
BTW There's nothing wrong with the slogan, its catchy and hilarious. I suggest a makeover and some daily writers to get the blog going. :) Ta ta!

Joanna//juicy-much said...

Looking foward to out, most excited for the new layout and background! Will you change the blog URL too?


Isabel Hope said...

Lol @ Joanna x] #Yeahbribesworksadly.

Isabel Hope said...

Wait- Ive been commenting, but im not on the top commentors...

Anonymous said...

@iluvladygaga232, your actually on the list. You're number 8.

Jamie-Leigh said...

Great idea :)

~ bracken1234

Ghandoora2 said...

So funny to read this after 10 years

This is Ghandoora btw hahah