Thursday, April 12, 2012

Download free HTML presentation

Just a quick post. I'm doing HTML presentations and I thought as while as I am eating this pizza I can give you some code for free. Well, of course I'm not going to give the best presentation in my portfolio for free but I'll give you one of my better ones. Just leave the credits if you download the code. 

I've done this presentation as HTML in notepad, so please leave the credits.
When you download the code, just open the txt document named Yiroglyphics presentation code and copy the text in there and paste it in stardoll presentations. Than save it once and first you'll see some letters, than click on presentations again and you'll see that the look of the presentation will pop up. Save it once more and that's it.


TXT DOCUMENT DOWNLOAD LINK ( YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THIS CODE, it's the one you paste in your stardoll presentation)

How presentation looks.

Your one and only,




SDV \\ supa_star4real said...

three posts within 2 days, lovin' it!

SDV \\ supa_star4real said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

@ SDV \\ supa_star4real

Thank you, but I have a question.
When I'll be able to get my banner?
( I hope I don't bother you, because I know you have a lot of things to do apart from stardoll but I'd like to know when I'll get it).

Your one and only,
