Thursday, January 05, 2012

Item of the week segment

Good morning everyone!
I haven't done one of these posts in forever so I figured it was time for one. These are the style of post I post weekly on my own personal blog and I will every now and then post one here. I love these posts and I hope you do as well. Let me know what you think below.

The item I chose today is the gilded evantail minidress from Rio avaliable for 8 stardollars.
This item is part of the Metal Head Collection for Rio, is brand new and a very versatile piece making it great for the segment.
Here are the looks:

*click to enlarge*

1.Skirt: Stardoll skirt-40 starcoins
Belt:  Rio gold detailed lace up belt-40 starcoins
Shoes: Rio leopard platform heels-8 stardollars
The total price: 16 stardollars, 80 starcoins
*note this outfit is in need of a necklace but I could not find any that I though suited the look*

2.Jacket: Decades 1920s coat-8 stardollars
Scarf: Bonjour Bizou ruffle print scarf- 50 starcoins
Shoes: Killah leopard maryjane heels- 28 stardollars
The total price: 44 stardollars, 50 starcoins

3.Purse: Windows on the World mauve classic tote bag- 64 starcoins
Shoes: Rio flauvia shoes- 40 starcoins
Sunglasses:Spectacular sunglasses- 8 stardollars
The total price: 16 stardollars, 104 starcoins

4.Purse: Stardoll velvet blue bow purse- 68 starcoins
Tights: Rio gold pantyhose- 40 starcoins
Shoes: Windows on the World classic black pumps- 70 starcoins
Belt: Stardoll high waist belt- 10 starcoins
The total price: 8 stardollars, 188 starcoins

5.Blouse:  PPQ white silk bow blous- 24 stardollars
Shoes:Voile black pointed platforms- 62 starcoins
Belt: Stardoll high waist belt-10 starcoins
The total price: 32 stardollars, 72 starcoins

6.Jacket: Bonjour Bizou sevigny blazers- 10 stardollars
Boots: Rio brown leather boots- 5 stardollars
Necklace: Rio golden necklaces- 50 starcoins
The total price: 23 stardollars, 50 starcoins

And that's it. I hope you enjoy these posts. IF you have any ideas on how to improve these (as well as my other posts) let me know below. I love to hear anything you have to say. Ideas for what I should post about? Let me know that too.

See you!

1 comment:

S said...

Nice x