Sunday, April 24, 2011

New Free Miss Sporty Mascara

Yay! Today, on stardoll, Miss Sporty the club was opened! When you join you can get a free mascara, to be honest i don't think it works. It may be a bit of a con but at least it doesn't coast ya to join!  When you like it on Facebook you get a free pink convertible delivered to your suite. They also tell you about their awesome new lip shades, including Spiced Rum, Hard Candy and Read My Lips. They've also got nails that'll help you stand out from the crowd! I've always seen Miss Sporty as a young teenagers make up brand, just sweet and innocent, not too OTT.
It may only be for me and my peoples in the UK! So you lot may need a proxy. I don't give these out because they can give you viruses and stuff.

1 comment:

Maricela/10notaskater10 said...

I used to used proxies, but it slowed down my families' computer. I only will use proxies if it means I get free makeup. I don't need to use this one because I already have mascara.