Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A New Collection of PPQ is Out !

New PPQ is out. Looking at the photos below, what do you think ? Personally I don't think I'd buy anything, and there's no new shoes anyways. But I guess bringing out the collection during SFW was a good idea. But my main opinion on this new collection is the overwhelming use of black. Don't get me wrong, black is a nice color, but they're using it way to much here. And the designs aren't necessarily plain, just a bit strange. But thats just my thinking, any opinions ?

Did anyone notice those shopping icons before? I didn't.
And this Hot Buys Stripe Sweater also came out too ! 

This is also our new logo. Do you like it ?

1 comment:

SDV \\ supa_star4real said...

Wow,, impressive!
